It’s my profound love and connection to nature that brought me to acupuncture as a profession, and I feel grateful for the gifts of natural healing acupuncture can provide.

I specialize in helping women let go of stress and helping improve stress-related illnesses. Stress is a normal experience; we all have stress sometimes. However, long-term stress, regardless of the source, can cause physical tension, pain and illness, emotional difficulties, and even unhealthy coping behaviors.* Acupuncture provides a body-felt sense of relaxation and release of energy. It is a complementary therapy that can complete a missing piece in your health or healing therapies.

I was first introduced to acupuncture when I received treatment following a debilitating illness. I was astounded by the quick recovery and the inner warmth and relaxation I felt as a result of treatments. Since then, acupuncture has been a trusted friend, helping me find balance on life’s journey. During times of difficulty, whether stress, pain, or illness, I’ve become aware of how significant acupuncture can be in helping create an energetic shift into greater wellness.

Acupuncture helps you to have greater access to your inner resources for healing. It can help you reconnect with your joy for life. Ongoing acupuncture treatments can help you find more connection to your community and your life path, whatever that may be. This is not by magic, rather, by letting go of stress and coming back into a state of natural balance within yourself as a result of acupuncture treatment.

Most recently I have trained in oncology acupuncture with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. A cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment are often very stressful. Well researched acupuncture protocols help alleviate many of the side effects of cancer treatment and sometimes provide enough relief to make a necessary treatment tolerable.

I am a State of Vermont licensed acupuncturist and nationally certified. I am a 2014 Honors graduate of the Institute of Taoist Education & Acupuncture, a 5-Element Acupuncture school in Colorado. I have worked in healthcare for over 30 years. I started my career as a creative movement therapist and then worked as a licensed psychotherapist. My prior training and experience bring a rich skillset to my acupuncture practice.

I completed a professional internship in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, MA, and have facilitated mindfulness-based groups for stress and depression. I currently facilitate morning mindfulness meditation practice groups on Zoom.

It’s my profound love and connection to nature that brought me to acupuncture as a profession, and I feel grateful for the gifts of natural healing acupuncture can provide. I invite you to try acupuncture for yourself, to see what a positive difference it may make in your life.

*Cleveland Clinic

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