Joyful Spirit Acupuncture re-opens in Brattleboro, VT

April 2024 Update:

Joyful Spirit Acupuncture has reopened in a new home in Brattleboro, VT. Joyful Spirit Acupuncture is now in a spacious martial arts/community center, a remodeled church in West Brattleboro, at 11 Cottage Street, Brattleboro, VT. My contact information remains the same (717-706-4826,

I look forward to hearing from you!

Warmly, Lisa

     Every season ushers in changes. This fall, several changes are occurring in my extended family. For a while, I’ve been contemplating a sabbatical so that I may better attend to my family. I have a deep appreciation for my acupuncture practice while also accepting the reality of the timing needed.

     Joyful Spirit Acupuncture closed on October 17, 2022 in Silver Spring, MD. I may pick up my practice down the road in the Southern Vermont area, although this is to be determined.  

     My contact information remains the same (717-706-4826,

Warmly, Lisa